Sheet Metal Manufacturing: Important Tips for Using Hydraulic Guillotines

If you are looking for a shearing machine for your sheet metal fabrication operations, consider investing in a hydraulic guillotine. This piece of equipment delivers exceptional accuracy during cutting due to the hydraulic mechanism. Guillotines are also versatile and energy-efficient for high-volume manufacturing. Additionally, hydraulic systems are safe, especially in comparison with manual cutting equipment. However, the performance can vary, depending on the usage. Here are simple tips to remember for the best outcome when using hydraulic guillotines.

Understand Ratings

Overloading or misusing the guillotine during sheet metal shearing processes will damage the equipment. Moreover, the results will be poor. Therefore, when you acquire the hydraulic guillotine, review the specifications and technical ratings of the equipment. For example, check the maximum thickness of sheets that can be cut. This factor might seem minor, but handling thick metal panels will stress internal mechanisms, increasing the risk of premature machinery failure. Ensure that all onsite workers are aware of the equipment limits before commissioning operations.

Use Sharp Blades

The use of damaged and blunt blades in the hydraulic guillotine will result in poor shearing results. Moreover, the cutting process will be frustrating. The most critical operational aspect for exceptional performance is investing quality blades for your work. Keep the blades clean and sharp for clean sheet edges. Different blades will have differing service life after installation. For example, carbide blades are long-lasting in comparison to standard steel alternatives. However, the price of the former is higher. Determine your needs and budget and select the best match for your operations.

Check the Settings

The specific settings of the equipment will affect shearing quality. Therefore, review the owner's manual and find the guidelines for adjusting the settings. Then, make adjustments for the best cutting results. The most common setting issue is the angle of the blade. Proper shearing of specific sheet metal materials requires the blades to approach from a certain angle. Take note of the edge quality and adjust as needed for good results. Also, consider the clamp pressure. The fabrication material should be stable, but the pressure must not damage the sheet metal.

Maintain Equipment

Regular maintenance is indispensable for hydraulic guillotines. The components in the equipment will experience wear and damage. The lack of upkeep will cause a decline in performance. Therefore, plan for the inspection of the machinery system. This practice will allow for the early identification of problems. Also, follow the instructions provided in the manual for preventative care processes like lubrication and housekeeping. 
